Saturday, May 21, 2005

Star Wars

Just got back from watching Revenge of the Sith. I must say this is my favourite of the 'new' Star Wars films. It keeps you at the edge and wanting more after watching it. Some of the scenes and lines were a bit cheesy but that's what Star Wars is all about. The acting of some of the characters are a bit weak too. *cough* Hayden Christensen *cough*. However, Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman and Ian McDiarmid were great! And Yoda rocks my socks!

The highlight for me were the graphics and effects, which were amazing! I can't help but wonder how the older Star Wars would look like given the technology today. I can only remember bits and pieces of the films from when I was 5 or so. This movie made me wanna go and watch all the other 5 episodes again but I've got an exam to look forward to =(

This must be added to my 'to do' list in the summer.


Jo: Thanks! Do I know you? hehe.

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