Sunday, June 05, 2005


So it's finally over. Feel so rlieved, but kinda lost at the same time. Like I don't have a purpose anymore hehe. Nah, I'm not complaining. Will try to enjoy my last summer break.

I won't have much time to 'relax' actually. Will be all around Europe for the most of the month. Gonna bring my mum around =) Too bad the rest of the family cant come =(

Oh great, fire alarm at 2+am...

Ooh, I signed the contract for renting my house today! I feel like an adult hehe. I can't believe there are so many things to do eventhough I'm supposed to be 'free', heh. Also a lot of friends will be leaving for good. Will miss them, didn't spend as much time with some of them as I wanted to.

Okay, not in a great mood. Will update later when I get back from my trips. Can't wait for that and goin back home! =)

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