Monday, October 10, 2005

I'm in Ipswich!!!

Just arrived in Ipswich this morning at 9. Had a brief introduction session, had a short talk with the consultant in charge of the medicine attachment, then went on to have a clinical skills session on 12-lead ECG.. all before I had the time to eat braekfast/lunch, settle my accomodation or go to the toilet. Hehe it was quite hectic but had the afternoon basically free.

I've met the HO in my firm, he seems nice and friendly. But I don't know if I'm lucky or unlucky to have a partner student in my firm who's super keen! Oh well, at least I'm not alone.

Oh yeah, apparently the computers here do not allow us to check either hotmail or gmail.. so sorry guys! Can't really reply your mails during the weekdays. I'll keep in touch through this blog. Not sure why the computers here are so crap. On the plus side, my room seems quite nice, living in a 4 room flat thing. Shares a kitchen, a shower and a toilet. Of course, there's no internet connection =(

Alright I'm going off now. Will be going to wards starting from tomorrow. FUN!

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