Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Tanzania - Here I come!!

I can't believe I'm actually flying off to Tanzania tomorrow! I won't reach my destination (small town in the South) until Thursday though haha. I wonder how ulu it's gonna be there.. it's gonna be interesting regardless =)

I still have a little bit of New York City withdrawal lol. I think doing my elective there was definitely the right decision. Visiting the place as a tourist would be a totally different experience I think. I got to have a little taste of how it was like working there.. and I quite enjoyed it. Applying for work there is gonna be terribly difficult though.. and I hardly know anyone there! Hmm.. maybe I might change my mind again soon.

Okay I should go back to packing now.. need to optimise the limited space!!

Just to illustrate how much I love Central Park, here are the various sights you can see:

The 'Imagine' plaque in Strawberry Fields

The Bow Bridge where Spidey and MJ broke up

People doing crazy stretches like this

Belvedere Castle with the Turtle Pond beneath it

Overlooking the Turtle Pond

Hula-hooping at the Park

Alice in Wonderland

Gapstow Bridge

And last but not least, the NYC skyline with Brooklyn Bridge in the foreground, taken @ night. *Dreams*

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