Friday, November 02, 2007


Arghhh... this job application business is driving me crazy! I keep changing my mind on which foundation school to apply as my first choice.. the only thing I am sure about is that it's gonna be a London one.

Essentials: Guide book and food!

So to get my mind off that for awhile, I'm going to post some pics from my trip to Zanzibar. I'm sure many people have not heard of this place before (I didn't!.. or maybe I'm just ignorant?), but these legendary spice islands are well known for one of the world's favourite honeymoon destinations. Maybe that's why I haven't heard of it yet lol.

Old Dispensary

I only had time to visit the main island, Unguja (or just Zanzibar). I flew from Arusha to Stone Town after doing the safari. Stone Town is the heart of Zanzibar, where the vast majority of the population is Muslim. This old town is so unique as it has influences from the Arabs, Persians, Indians, Portuguese and British. The central part of the town consists of building built close together with narrow alleys that join to become something like a maze! On the coast, you get the grand buildings with such unique architecture like the ones above and below:

I can't remember what this one's called! Paiseh..

Skyline of Stone Town, from the House of Wonders
Arab Fort in the foreground.

What I found interesting is that the buildings in Stone Town all have huge, intricately carved doors like the one below. Apparently the door was often bought first and the house built around it! Most of the buildings are usually plain on the outside, with zinc roofs, not dissimilar to the ones found in Brunei.. but packed much closer together.

Beautifully carved door surrounded by worn walls.

Dhow-building is an ancient yet flourishing craft on the islands.

Local artist at work

What's so great about Zanzibar is the range of attractions it offers.. from the historic Stone Town, with its spices and unique culture, to the most beautiful beaches in the world! All in the space of a tiny island =)

Sailing on a traditional dhow

I was spoilt for choice when it comes to beach time. I ended up going to Nungwi beach, where I was told it was more crowded and lively than the rest. And to my pleasant surprise, it's nothing compared to Bali and Redang in terms of being congested! There were long stretches of powdery white sand and clear blue waters. Why can't a medical school be in a place like this!?

Door to Paradise?

Nungwi beach

Picture perfect!

And to top it all off, the food is great and cheap too! The Forodhani Gardens in Stone Town come alive at night with food stalls and souvenir sellers. Here you can try local favourites like spiced tea, Zanzibar pizza and even shark kebabs! Yumm =)

Forodhani Gardens

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