Sunday, February 12, 2006

Happy Chap Go Night!

Nothing much to blog about recently. Today is the last day of Chinese New Year this year. Nothing big planned. It's time like these that I wish I was back home heh. Apparently my dad and uncle had a really huge Open House a few days ago, with a Lion Dance troupe and kung-fu show no less!!


I'm always intrigued by some of the pictures that are featured on the BBC website. What better way to see amazing pictures from all over the world with just one click? Here are a few that caught my eye recently:

This photo reminds me of how much I'm afraid of heights!

Swans on thermal lakes, Hokkaido.

Mount Kilimanjaro. Just wow.


It seems like everyone has an Ipod these days. The latest Ipod can play videos, in addition to music and pictures. So what's next? Apprently, the next video Ipod will have touch screen features. Here's how they might look like, although not official:

Hmmm.. now I can't wait to get my hand on one of these! My sister really wants my Ipod mini, so I won't feel as guilty hehe =P

One more week before I go back to Ipswich =(

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