Friday, March 10, 2006

Woohoo, skiving is good.

Alright I'm back in Cam a day early this week just to attend a formal, haha! Although I feel a bit guilty since everyone in my attachment is so keen, I feel great today! Have a self-made 3 day weekend keke.

Did you know?
  • Facebook Inc was recently valued by financial analysts at over US$30 million implying it makes over US$4 million in revenue a year (all from people poking!)!!!
  • That money would fund almost 50,000 children through school in some parts of India!

Anyways, it's just crazy that a website like that can earn so damn much! Makes you want to create a website like tha of your own huh? haha. Oh, have you guys heard of the Face Book song? Check out

I just found out that my friend is the female lead, lol! And the video features all the Cambridge landmarks too!

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