Sunday, April 09, 2006

Off To Greece!

*Phew* Holidays couldn't have come sooner!, although it's only for 2 weeks. Am zooming off to Greece tomorrow.. can't wait to get away from this cold and gloomy weather!

I've just realised that this has been the one of the longest 'terms' I've had in more than 3 years. Cambridge terms have always been 8 weeks of term time followed by 6 weeks of holidays. And in the last term, lectures last for typically 4 weeks or even less! So that's basically around 20 weeks of 'term' in ONE year!

So far this year I've already had 26 weeks of 'term' and it's ot even Easter yet. I really do miss those long-ass holidays, although when I come to think of it I don't know what I did to fill up all those time haha.

Alright I'm off for some sun and sea! =D

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