Wednesday, June 13, 2007

New York, New York

"New york, new york
I want to wake up in a city, that never sleeps"

It's only been less than a week, and I'm in love with New York! Haven't had much chance to do the touristy stuff yet as I started work on Monday. And apparently, the lady typed my specialty wrongly by mistake. So instead of doing neurology, I'm doing neurosurgery. I actually find this specialty quite exciting but I wasn't planning to have 6am starts in the morning!!

NYC sunrise on my way to work @ 5am

So 2 days have passed and I was still able to make it on time so far lol. I wonder how long this will last. The hospital itself is amazing! It's not too far from where I stay, but I still need to take the subway (underground for the uk-ians) in the morning. It's a private hospital so it's really rich and all, and some parts of the hospital looks like a 5-star hotel!!

View from my flat

There's so much to do and even more to see here in New York. I have tried several restaurants in the city and they have all been really good! I love the endless choices and each of them have their own unique feel/atmosphere. Gotta go explore the city now. Til next time!

Central Park

M&Ms anyone?

Scrumptious Mexican food @ Mercadito

Philadelphia cheese steak @ Fetch (cheesiest thing I've ever eaten!!)

At the Temple

Grilled eel dolsot @ Temple

Intense Chocolate Fudge Cake @ Max Brenner (look at the flask! lol)

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