Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Washington D.C.

Time for another update! I'm getting used to waking up before 5am everyday now and surviving on about 4-5 hours sleep each night.. I managed to get more sleep during the weekend though, which I spent in Washington D.C.! It's actually quite cheap to get there.. $35 for a return bus ride from Chinatown. You can always count on the Chinese for a good bargain =)

The White House

Washington D.C. was not what I expected it to be at all. All I know before getting there is that it's the capital of the USA. I discovered that it's actually a really quiet place. Apart from the landmarks and museums, which were really spaced out, most of the city/town are just business-like buildings and suburban residential areas. Quite the contrast from NYC!

US Capitol

US Capitol from the back

Most of the landmarks are aligned in a straight line, with the Capitol Hill at one end and the Lincoln Memorial at the other. In between you get the Washington Monument, the newly built World War II Memorial and the Smithsonian museums.

The Washington Monument

Wow, I jump really high haha

World War II Memorial

The Lincoln Memorial

Abraham and me.

There were actually 6 or 7 museums in total, but I only visited two. The Air and Space Museum was quite cool, although I think I would have enjoyed it more if I was younger lol.We also went to the National History Museum and saw the dinosaurs and diamonds exhibits. Got to see the much-hyped Hope diamond (the biggest blue diamond in the world) and the Tiffany diamond, 'Bird on a Rock'. I don't see what's the appeal though. =P

L: Hope diamond R: Tiffany diamond

We also happened to stumble upon a soapbox race! Lol, I had no idea what it was until I saw it. Come to think of it, isn't there a children's film that has this race where a boy named Alfalfa won it with the tip of his pointed hair? Anyone has any clue??

Soapbox race.. how cute!

I found it really amazing how far this country has come, with such a relatively short history. Whatever the result, I think the intentions of having 'a land of the free' is truly inspiring.

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