Saturday, June 09, 2007

A new chapter?

So here I am, having just passed the dreaded Pathology exams.. and officially a final year med student. It all seems so surreal. Time really waits for no man. Will be flying off to New York tomorrow.. am not prepared at all mentally. I just feel like a zombie at the moment.. a sleep-deprived one =) I wish there was more time in between exams and my electives.. so I can actually recover from the exam stress, meet up with friends who are graduating and I might not see again for a really long time.

It was really good to have caught some of you before leaving. Too those who I didn't manage to say a proper goodbye, here's a farewell to all of you.. all the best in the future and keep in touch!

It's gonna be an interesting couple of months ahead of me. Will be in New York for a month, then off to Tanzania for another month! Not sure at all what to expect.. but I'm looking forward to it =) Will keep this blog up to date as much as I can about what's going on. As for now, goodbye Cambridge! (for 10 weeks hehe).

Sun, sea and sand... here I come!!!

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